Welcome to Alysa's Cupcakerie
Hi! My name is Alysa and I would like to welcome you to my vegan baking site, Alysa's Cupcakerie. Obviously this site is full of cupcakes but I'm also working on expanding my horizons (of sweets and desserts that is). All recipes and photos are my own unless otherwise noted. If you use any recipes or photos please just give me credit. Please feel free to comment on any of the pages, I love hearing from all of you! Thank you for visiting!
If you would like to subscribe please do. I'm still learning all of the features but I will make sure to send out a new email when a new recipe is added.
My website is still in construction so please don't worry if you get to a page that doesn't have anything on it. I am currently working on getting everything up to date.
If you would like to subscribe please do. I'm still learning all of the features but I will make sure to send out a new email when a new recipe is added.
My website is still in construction so please don't worry if you get to a page that doesn't have anything on it. I am currently working on getting everything up to date.